Good morning friends,
Yesterday I promised to share 2 Tools that powerful coaches use to successfully impact leaders like you. It has to do with helping you tackle tricky truths.
Why is this important? Because sometimes there are aspects of your business (and life) that you cannot figure out on your own. And you realize that you would benefit from finding someone to help you address them. Sometimes that person is a coach. And powerful coaches use these two tools to effect change:* A flashlight and a mirror.
A Flashlight: My job as a powerful coach is to shine a light on what you cannot see. Because you are in the midst of running your business (and life), you may have unknowingly become accustomed to operating in a certain way. This has worked to get you to where you are today. And now this strategy may be keeping you from getting to where you want to be. This delicate discovery will help you to illuminate a fresh way to operate. And because we are all resistant to making changes, sometimes you need a guide to usher the path forward.
A Mirror: My work is to reflect back your brilliance, so you can truly celebrate it and fuel it. AND also to reflect back the uncomfortable areas that are blocking your growth, so that you can actively do something about it.
It's a subtle, but impactful dance. It takes time and focus. Powerful coaching is intangible yet invaluable work. While it requires dissecting and tackling tricky truths, it has the potential to create tremendous relief, space, and energy in your life. It's an investment in your personal growth, which will, in turn, yield exponential returns in your business, your relationships, and your life.
*2 Tools metaphor adapted from Michael Neil, Impacting Leaders Mastermind
Did this email strike a nerve? What will you do about it today? I invite you to reach out to me, share your thoughts, and ask me your toughest questions.
In your corner,
Rebecca R. Moore, Founder
InANutshell Consulting
P.S. As an entrepreneur coach, I care deeply about your wellbeing and prosperity. I believe female founders are poised to exponentially and positively influence our world over the next decade. My mission is to serve you to leverage your brilliance to become a more impactful leader. If you are ready to reach new levels in 2023 and seek a coach to guide, champion, and lovingly challenge you, let's chat. Book your complimentary Exploratory Coaching Call with me today.